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‘cubs, dinner’s ready!’,
2020, clay on plates with cutlery.

Title: ‘Cubs, dinner’s ready!’,

Medium: Clay tiger heads and

eyeballs on porcelain plates with metal cutlery

Year: 2020

Dimension: Variable

"This artwork plays on the word “consumption”. Humans do not consume the white tigers, but we do consume them for their visual aesthetic purposes. We consume them for the entertainment values that please our sight. Hence, they were consumed in a way, but not literally. The portrayal of using plates, setting the heads in a fine dining construction, alongside the eyeballs as garnishes surrounding the main is my visual representation of 'consumption'. These abstract tiger heads are blind, with eyes served as a side dish."

Click on the images to view the full image and write up.

‘Cubs, dinner’s ready!’: Text
‘Cubs, dinner’s ready!’: Pro Gallery
‘Cubs, dinner’s ready!’: Pro Gallery
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